Contributions of the European Union to environmental protection challenges: The european diplomacy towards climate change

  • Justo Corti Varela CEU San Pablo University
Keywords: european diplomacy, climate change, leadiator, Paris agreement


In the literature on climate change there is an extended consensus about the EU (European Union) leadership in the agreement making, including its active role in negotiation and its contributions in the design of a model of sustainable economy. However, it was not until the failure of Copenhagen when scholars studied more in detail how the European diplomacy acts in practice, the different strategies followed and the reasons for success and breakdown. In this article we will analyze, firstly, how the EU has built its leadership in the promotion of climate change agreements, the necessary internal consensus that it had to achieve in order to present a common position and the evolution of different strategies, from the success of Kyoto (1997) and Paris (2015), to the failure of Copenhagen (2009) and the big change initiated in Durban (2011).

Received: 12 January 2017
Accepted: 30 April 2017
Published online: 01 October 2017


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Author Biography

Justo Corti Varela, CEU San Pablo University

Justo Corti Varela is adjunct professor of Public International Law and European Union at CEU San Pablo University. Evaluated positively as Senior Lecturer by ANECA. He has a period of research recognized by CNEAI. Senior researcher at the Institute for European Studies. PhD in law and LLM in EU by Complutense University. Visiting professor of Université de Nanterre (Paris X), Post-doctoral researcher at CNRS (Paris), and visiting scholar at UCL (London) and at Scoula Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa). His areas of research are International Environmental Law, International Economic Law, European Union, and the regulation of new technologies. He is member of the board of the RDCE and Ius et Scientia.

How to Cite
Corti Varela, Justo. 2017. “Contributions of the European Union to Environmental Protection Challenges: The European Diplomacy towards Climate Change”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 57 (October), 167-92.