The Implementation of Territorial Extension in European Union Law

  • Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández San Isidoro University Center
Keywords: extraterritoriality, territorial extension, territorial principle, CJEU


The extraterritorial application of law is consistent with the principle of respect for sovereignty, and correlatively with the principle of nonintervention, when its exercise is based on general interests and when there is proportionality. Despite the fact that the EU has never been a complete defender of extraterritoriality, especially after the last great world economic crisis, the exercise by the aforementioned organization begins to double. Territorial extension is used to control those behaviors that, although carried out abroad, have an impact on the overall EU interests. The doctrine has been in charge of conceptualizing the modality of the territorial extension. However, it was the CJEU that confirmed this when it pronounced itself about Directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008, called the EU Aviation Directive, in 2011.

Recepción: 06 abril 2020
Aceptación: 13 mayo 2020
Published online: 30 September 2020


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Author Biography

Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández, San Isidoro University Center
PhD in Law (international mention), a Master’s in Public Law and a Law Degree at the University of Seville. Also, she is a Diploma in the Center for Studies and Research at the Hague Academy of International Law, in 2019. She is an associate professor, accredited as a Contracted Lecturer, of International Public Law and International Relations at the San Isidoro University Center (attached to the Pablo de Olavide University). As a member of the Political and International Law research group (SEJ119), her main lines of research encompass: international treaties, health security, international peace and security and extraterritoriality. She has participated in different National and International Projects and is the author of more than a dozen publications, among which the monograph stands out (as result of her doctoral thesis): El Derecho Internacional a la Salud a la luz de la Paz y Seguridad Internacionales, awarded with the II Eduardo de Hinojosa y Naveros Prize in Legal Sciences.
How to Cite
Gallego Hernández, Ana Cristina. 2020. “The Implementation of Territorial Extension in European Union Law”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 63 (September), 297-313.
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