The European Union facing the challenge of cultural diversity. The implementation of the UNESCO Convention in the European Union, ten years after its entry into force

  • Belén Becerril Atienza CEU San Pablo University
Keywords: Convention on Cultural Diversity, UNESCO, European Union


In March 2017, ten years have passed since the entry into force of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, an international normative instrument promoted, negotiated and ratified by the European Union. It is therefore a good time to assess to what extent the Union has contributed to the protection and promotion of cultural diversity in this period and whether, beyond rhetoric, it has indeed become the relevant supporter of the Convention announced in 2007. To this end, this article initially addresses the Convention, in order to recall the context of its adoption and its objectives, and to examine in particular the obligations arising for the Parties, as well as its relationship with other international instruments. This paper examines the contribution of the European Union to the implementation of the Convention in its internal dimension. To that end, it assesses the extent to which the spirit and the letter of the Convention have been taken into account since 2007 in the regulatory framework of the European cultural policy, in the support programs for the cultural sector, and in the regulation of audiovisual services.

Received: 12 January 2017
Accepted: 11 May 2017
Published online: 01 October 2017


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Author Biography

Belén Becerril Atienza, CEU San Pablo University

Belén Becerril Atienza is Deputy Director of the Institute of European Studies at CEU San Pablo University. She holds a PhD in Law from Universidad CEU San Pablo (European Doctorate Thesis Award – Community of Madrid) and a Masters in International Law from the University of Louvain (Great Distinction). She is the author of academic publications on the European integration process, in particular on its history, institutional system, internal market and cultural policy. Her latest publications have been: «La apuesta de los Estados Unidos por la unidad europea en el marco del Plan Marshall. El apoyo norteamericano y la obstrucción británica en el umbral de la integración europea (1947-1951)», Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 56, 2017, pp. 159-198; Winston Churchill. Europa Unida, Ediciones Encuentro, 2016; and Hacia una Política Cultural de la Unión Europea, Aranzadi, 2015. She has been external legal adviser to members of the European Parliament and of the Member Gabriel Cisneros during the Convention that drafted the European Constitutional treaty. She has been visiting scholar at several European and US universities such as Sabanci University in Istanbul, Pazmany University in Budapest or William and Mary School of Law in Virginia. She has participated in several research projects funded, among others, by the Ministry of Education and Science, the European Commission and the European Parliament. This study is part of the Network of Excellence on «Current Challenges of International Law», Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016 (DER15-69273-RED).

How to Cite
Becerril Atienza, Belén. 2017. “The European Union Facing the Challenge of Cultural Diversity. The Implementation of the UNESCO Convention in the European Union, Ten Years After Its Entry into Force”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 57 (October), 69-100.