Is there an impact of the European Regional Innovation Policies on enterprises? An analysis of the ERDF-Innterconecta programme of the Technology Fund 2007-2013 in Galicia

  • Diego Sande Veiga Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade, Spain
Keywords: evaluation of business innovation policies, Structural Funds impact, business performance and employment, regional development


We carried out an evaluation of the impact of the ERDF-Innterconecta innovation programme on the main indicators of results and business growth in Galicia. The Autonomous Community, classified as Convergence Objective region by the European Union, was a beneficiary of the Technology Fund 2007-2013, being this important financial resource part of the Structural Funds. The analysis focuses on the first two Galician calls of the ERDF-Innterconecta programme belonging to this Technology Fund, whose execution period extended up to 2015 included. The current study assesses companies’ participation in this programme based on data from indicators at the microeconomic level (projects, funds received, networks formed, revenue, annual results, etc.). In this research factors such as the sector and the size of the companies, etc., have been considered. The evolution of the indicators shows a lack of efficiency in the use of resources to promote employment and business performance in a crisis context. Beyond the conclusions drawn, the study will enable to enrich the planning, design and future implementation of research, development and innovation policies.

Received: 22 Novemver 2021
Accepted: 17 January 2022


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Author Biography

Diego Sande Veiga, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade, Spain

Holds a degree in Business Administration (Commercialization Specialty) from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). Doctor in Economy and Business since 2018. Master in Economic Development and Innovation by the USC. Lecturer of Applied Economics of the USC, where he teaches since 2021-22, and civil servant lecturer on leave of absence in the speciality of Organisation and Commercial Management at the Regional Deputy of Culture, Education and University at Xunta de Galicia. Author of numerous publications (monographs, books and articles in specialised journals) in the fields of Applied Economics, Regional Innovation Policies and Environmental Innovation and contributor to various specialised media.

How to Cite
Sande Veiga, Diego. 2022. “Is There an Impact of the European Regional Innovation Policies on Enterprises? An Analysis of the ERDF-Innterconecta Programme of the Technology Fund 2007-2013 in Galicia”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 66 (May), 101-32.