The naval Operation Irini of the European Union: a step backwards of the csdp in the fight against the illegal immigration and search and rescue activities in the Mediterranean

  • Carlos Espaliú Berdud Antonio de Nebrija University, Spain
Keywords: Operation Irini, CSDP, naval operations, search and rescue, Libya, human rights


Operation Irini is a new EU naval operation, in the framework of CSDP, to address violations of the arms embargo and illicit export of petroleum products in Libya, imposed by the United Nations Security Council. As a second objective, the Operation contributes to the training of Libyan coastguards in their fight against illegal immigration, as well as combating the mafias involved in the smuggling of migrants in the Central Mediterranean. From the outset, the naval operation has had scant resources and, unsurprisingly, its results have been poor in these first three years. In short, this new Operation, in the wake of Sophia’s poor results in the last months of its activity, represents a new setback for the CSDP and for the EU’s ambition to become a relevant actor in contemporary international society. Unfortunately, moreover, allegations of significant violations of migrants’ human rights by Libyan coast guard forces cast a shadow over the EU, which is assisting and training these security forces.

Received: 04  September 2023
Accepted:  24 January  2024


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Author Biography

Carlos Espaliú Berdud, Antonio de Nebrija University, Spain

Carlos Espaliú has been a research fellow at the Ministry of Education (1995-1998), lecturer at the University of Navarra (1998-2000), Counsel at the International Court of Justice (2000-2006), Ramón y Cajal researcher at the University of Córdoba (2007-2012) and lecturer, vice-dean of the Faculty of Law and Director of the Charlemagne Institute of European Studies at the International University of Catalonia (2012-2018). He is currently Professor of International Public and European Union Law, as well as Senior Researcher of the Security, Risk and Conflict Management Group (SEGERICO) and Director of the Centre for Research on Security, Rule of Law and High Technologies, at the Nebrija University of Madrid. He is a visiting professor at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations at Coventry University and at the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica. He also holds three six-year research periods from the CNEAI. In the field of European security, among other works, he has published: Carlos Espaliú Berdud, “Los buques de la operación Sophia en el dique seco: elementos de un revés para la Política Común de Seguridad y Defensa”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, Year No. 23, No. 64, 2019, pp. 829-858.

How to Cite
Espaliú Berdud, Carlos. 2024. “The Naval Operation Irini of the European Union: A Step Backwards of the Csdp in the Fight Against the Illegal Immigration and Search and Rescue Activities in the Mediterranean”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 70 (April), 29-63.