La contribución de la Unión Europea a la gobernanza global en cuestiones de paz y seguridad

  • Martín Ortega Carcelén Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: global governance, European Union, European foreign policy, crisis management, peace, Security Council


Global governance in matters of peace and security entails concerted international action in various fields where the European Union makes an important contribution. In crisis management, the EU made a positive intervention in the Balkans but its contribution was less visible in other regions. Peace operations are the most successful aspect of the EU’s external action. Concerning democracy and human rights issues, the Union’s record is ambivalent. Conversely, the lack of agreement amongst European states regarding the reform of the UN Security Council affects negatively the EU’s contribution to global governance. In conclusion, both the EU and its member states take part, each one in its own right, in global governance.

Published online: 15 April 2016


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Author Biography

Martín Ortega Carcelén, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Profesor Titular de Derecho Internacional Público, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
How to Cite
Ortega Carcelén, Martín. 2011. “La contribución De La Unión Europea a La Gobernanza Global En Cuestiones De Paz Y Seguridad”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 45 (October), 49-65.