Respuestas del sistema diplomático ante el Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior (SEAE): el caso de la Unión Europea en la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas

  • Carmela Pérez Bernárdez Universidad de Granada
Keywords: European Union, international organizations, United Nations, external action, Union delegations


The purpose of this paper is to analyse some of the most recent changes that are currently taking place regarding the role of the European Union (EU) as a member of International Organizations due to the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon and to the implementation of the European External Action Service (EEAS). The changes brought about in the Union delegations, especially in the ones located in Geneva and New York —accredited before many International Organizations—, and the various EU proposals focused on achieving a more active role in the United Nations General Assembly —including the formal recognition of an enhanced status— are described to study some of the effects caused or boosted by the explicit attribution of an international legal personality to the EU.

Published online: 15 April 2016


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Author Biography

Carmela Pérez Bernárdez, Universidad de Granada
Profesora Ayudante Doctora en la Universidad de Granada, Departamento de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales
How to Cite
Pérez Bernárdez, Carmela. 2011. “Respuestas Del Sistema diplomático Ante El Servicio Europeo De Acción Exterior (SEAE): El Caso De La Unión Europea En La Asamblea General De Las Naciones Unidas”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 44 (April), 111-45.