European Economic Constitution and Social Model: Limits and Inefficiencies of the Improved Negative Integration in the Fight Against Social Exclusion

  • Ainhoa Lasa López Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: poverty, social bond, economic government, European market constitutionalism


The management of the crisis in the European Union from the perspective of rationality of economic calculation has resulted in the adoption of a series of mechanisms that seek to rehabilitate the centrality of the economic bond, correcting institutional deficiencies of the eurozone. Therefore, far from being a transformation that redefines negative integration in terms of balance with social dimension, it delves into the status of subordination of positive integration. From these parameters, the fight against exclusion at the European level becomes a chimera. The limited practical effort of the social documents, the use of soft law techniques, and the devaluation of the right to protection against poverty to the limbo of programmaticity, accentuates the marginalization of the European social answer to the crisis.

Received: 08 May 2015
: 08 June 2015
Published online: 15 April 2016


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Author Biography

Ainhoa Lasa López, Universidad de Deusto
Investigadora asociada del Equipo Integración Europea,
Universidad de Deusto
How to Cite
Lasa López, Ainhoa. 2015. “European Economic Constitution and Social Model: Limits and Inefficiencies of the Improved Negative Integration in the Fight Against Social Exclusion”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 53 (October), 133-65.