Golden Shares and Economic Patriotism: National Approach, European Development

  • Jérémie Houet Universidad de Paris X
Keywords: golden shares, special rights, freedoms of movement, foreign investment, strategic sectors


The «golden shares» mechanism allows Member States to retain some control over domestic companies operating in strategic sectors. Although it is strictly controlled by both the Commission and the Court, the current crisis brings this instrument back to center stage. Member States are likely to re-use it through diverted resources. Their attempts reveal a deeper malaise; the fear of foreign investments in these sectors. This raises the question of the opportunity of a common mechanism for monitoring these foreign investments. The answer to the crisis is therefore proposed at the level of the European Union, not just at the Member States’. Could economic patriotism then be supranational?

Received: 21 September 2015
: 27 January 2016
Published online: 30 April 2016


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Author Biography

Jérémie Houet, Universidad de Paris X
Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Paris X, miembro del Centre d’études juridiques européennes et comparées (CEJEC )
How to Cite
Houet, Jérémie. 2016. “Golden Shares and Economic Patriotism: National Approach, European Development”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 54 (April), 203-31.