Illiberal Secularism. Fake Inclusion through Neutrality

  • Carmen Innerarity Grau Public University of Navarra
Keywords: multiculturalis, immigration, citizenship, secularism


This paper analyses how, despite the universalist and inclusive vocation of secularism, this has become the main argument for the exclusion of Muslim religious practices, with the consequent limitation of individual liberties. Thus, an institution thought as a procedure to guarantee the equality of the citizens through the differentiation between the political and religious spheres becomes a feature that defines the identity of Europe and that it is necessary to defend against the accommodation demands raised by Muslim immigrants. Obviously, it is not possible to establish a cause-effect relationship, but the climate of hostility towards the cultural difference spread by the entry into several European polities of radical right parties, clearly hostile to Islam and Muslims, could be influencing, in some way, the political orientation of European governments in this regard.

Received: 17 December 2017
Accepted: 8 May 2018
Published online: 31 October 2018


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Author Biography

Carmen Innerarity Grau, Public University of Navarra
Carmen Innerarity Grau is a PhD (with outstanding Doctorate Award) in Philosophy at the University of Navarra (1994). Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) fellow at the Ludwig Maximiliam Universität (Munich) and the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität (Münster). Professor at the University of Navarra, University of the Basque Country, University of Salamanca, Complutense University of Madrid (Ortega y Gasset University Institute), National University of Distance Education and the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität (Münster). Since 1995 she has developed her teaching and research activity at the Public University of Navarra, where she is in charge of the Research Group “Politics, identity and culture”. She is Associate Professor in Sociology since 2008. She has published several works on political theory and culture, citizenship, cultural integration policies and multiculturalism. Currently, she is focused on the management of cultural differences resulting from migrations in European societies. Her last publications include: “Ciudadanía, integración y universalismo: análisis y evaluación normativa de los programas de integración cívica en Alemania y Francia desde una perspectiva liberal” in Revista Española de Ciencia Política (2016), 41, pp. 39-66. ISSN: 1575-6548. Doi:; “Ciudad y ciudadanía. Un análisis de los planes estratégicos de desarrollo urbano desde la perspectiva de género” in Revista de Investigaciones Feministas (2014), 5, pp. 342-370. ISSN: 2171-6080 (with Sancho Martínez, A.); “El debate sobre el velo islámico en Gran Bretaña. El multiculturalismo liberal y la identidad nacional”, in Revista de Estudios Políticos, (2013), 162, pp. 149-174; “La inclusión del otro en Francia y Alemania: el debate sobre el velo islámico”, in Sánchez de la Yncera, I. and Rodríguez Fouz, M. (eds.): Dialécticas de la postsecularidad. Pluralismo y corrientes de secularización, Barcelona, Anthropos, (2011), pp. 345-377. ISBN: 978-84-7658-933-5; “Los discursos sobre ciudadanía e inmigración en Europa: universalismo, extremismo y educación”, in Política y sociedad, (2010), 47, pp. 63-84 (with Acha Ugarte, B.).
How to Cite
Innerarity Grau, Carmen. 2018. “Illiberal Secularism. Fake Inclusion through Neutrality”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 59 (October), 45-61.