Europe from the Border: The End of Socialism in the Balkans (1980-1990)

  • Xavier Baró i Queralt International University of Catalonia
Keywords: Balkans, memory, identity, socialism


In a conference focused on the reflection regarding European identity, it seems pertinent to ask ourselves about the geographic and cultural limits of Europe. In this sense, the Balkans, a true crossroads between the West and the East, could be considered as a privileged field of study in order to know the «other» Europe. Centered in the Balkans, this communication will analyze the complex identity substrate of the region, marked, among others, by its own cultural and religious diversity, in which the Christian (Orthodox and Catholic) and Muslim religions coexists. For our texts we have established the chronological caesuras of 1980 (year of death of Josip Briz, Tito, founder of contemporary Yugoslavia and highest representative of «self-managed socialism») and 1990 (year in which the majority of socialist regimes of the Balkans fall). Special attention will be paid to the relationship between the historical events and their influence on the identity features of a border macroregion in Europe, as well as to the complex relationship between nationalities and neighbouring states.

Received: 02 July 2018
Accepted: 16 July 2018
Published online: 27 February 2019


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Author Biography

Xavier Baró i Queralt, International University of Catalonia
Professor Baró Queralt got a scholasrship from the University of Barcelona (2000-2005), and he was a professor at this university (2008-2012). Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities at the International University of Catalonia (UIC, Barcelona); of which he has been Vice-Dean. He is a member of a consolidated project of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and has participated in five national and regional research projects. He has obtained a Basileus research scholarship awarded by the European Union (UE) for the Balkans area (2016). His main lines of research are the cultural relations in the early modern age and the study of historical memory in the Balkan region, especially in the case of Albania. He has obtained the acreditation as a Lecturer (AQU) in 2009. In the field of early modern age, he has published ten monographs and more than 50 articles in specialized magazines. Regarding the Albanian theme, he co-edited a Spanish-Albanian translation of the work of Juan Eusebio Nieremberg with Anastasi Prodani (Nieremberg, Aforismos y fragmentos sobre la naturaleza humana. Aforizma dhe fragmente mbi natyrën njerëzore. Tirana: EDFA, 2016).
How to Cite
Baró i Queralt, Xavier. 2019. “Europe from the Border: The End of Socialism in the Balkans (1980-1990)”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 02 (February), 95-113.
Monographic Articles. Roots of European identity. PART 2: «Forging European identity»