The concept of person as a key element of european identity: the case of gestational surrogacy

  • Carmen María Lázaro Palau Internacional University of Catalunia
Keywords: gestational surrogacy, right to identity, right to privacy, human rights, European Court of Human Rights


The concept of person is a key element of European identity. However, this concept is still controversial because of divergences on bioethical issues. This work analyses the case of gestational surrogacy. It has emerged in European states in different ways. The problem arises when a state prohibits this practice, but its nationals carry out this activity in a third country where gestational surrogacy is allowed. The contradictory decisions of the European Court of Human Rights of Strasbourg: Mennesson v. France, Labassée v. France and Paradiso Campanelli v. Italy demands a rigorous analysis of the limits and content of rights and of the complex controversy in which both Public and Private Law are involved.

Received: 02 July 2018
Accepted: 10 September 2018
Published online: 27 February 2019


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Author Biography

Carmen María Lázaro Palau, Internacional University of Catalunia

Carmen María Lázaro Palau holds a bachelor Degree in law from the University of Barcelona and a PhD in European law by the UNED. She worked as a judge and afterwards became a lawyer. She is a member of the International Association of Jurists Henri Capitant and IDADFE. She was a Deputy Director of the Family Studies Research Institute at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya; assistant lecturer of the master of Procedure law of the Université de Perpignan; consultant of Civil law of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and assistant lecturer of the UNED. Currently, she serves as a lecturer of law at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Her latest publications: Le droit à l’enfant et la filiation en France et dans le monde, C. Brunetti-Pons (dir) (Paris: LexisNexis, 2018); «El seguro de divorcio por impago de pensión alimenticia» en Ordenación económica del matrimonio y de la crisis de pareja, C. Lasarte, M.D. Cervilla (dir) (Valencia: Tirant lo blanc, 2017) 563-571; «Reflexiones sobre la posible adaptación del quotien familiar francés a la tributación española», Revista de Fiscalidad Internacional y Negocios Transnacionales (2017) 55-88.

How to Cite
Lázaro Palau, Carmen María. 2019. “The Concept of Person As a Key Element of European Identity: The Case of Gestational Surrogacy”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 02 (February), 189-201.
Monographic Articles. Scope of European identity. PART 3: «European identity: legal impact»