1979-2019: 40 Years of European Democracy

  • Jaume Duch Guillot
Keywords: European Parliament, European elections, European Union, democracy


Since the first elections to the European Parliament, in 1979, until the eighth ones, in 2014, the European Union has taken big steps in its integration process. In this article we will analyse the recent history of European democracy between these dates, from the first European elections to the most recent ones. We will analyse the results of each election, the turnout in the different Member States and the context in which they were held. Additionally, we will explain how the different treaties and the new Member States have modified both the composition of the hemicycle, that is, the number and distribution of MEPs in each term, as well as the powers that the institution has acquired within the European Union. Finally, we will outline the challenges that the European Union will have to face in the upcoming elections of May 2019, 40 years after the first ones.

Received: 22 January 2019
Accepted: 21 February 2019
Published online: 30 April 2019


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Author Biography

Jaume Duch Guillot
Director-General de Comunicación y Portavoz del Parlamento Europeo
How to Cite
Duch Guillot, Jaume. 2019. “1979-2019: 40 Years of European Democracy”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 60 (April), 33-55. https://doi.org/10.18543/ced-60-2019pp33-55.