The International Association of Gendarmeries and Police Forces with Military Statute (FIEP): an instrument available for integrated european borders management?

Keywords: police forces with military status, training, information exchange, integrated external borders management.


The International Association of Gendarmeries and Police Forces with Military Status (FIEP) represents a very particular case of cooperation. This structure allows for the participation of forces from European states with other non- European states and on equal terms. On the other hand, its objectives facilitate very important action in the integrated external border management, including border control and surveillance and acting with States of origin and transit of immigration, particularly through joint training and information exchange mechanisms. Finally, the FIEP represents an interesting complementary tool to other forms of police cooperation in the European context, such as Eurogendfor and Frontex.

Received: 10 September 2020
Accepted: 21 June 2021


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Author Biography

Miguel Á. Acosta Sánchez, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain

Degree and PhD from the University of Cádiz, Extraordinary Doctorate Award, and a Diploma in European Law from the Institut d’Etudes Européennes of the ULB-Brussels. He is Associate Professor of International Law and International Relations at the University of Cadiz and visiting professor at the University of Pisa (Italy). He is currently principal Researcher of the R&D project «Maritime Immigration, Security Strategies and Protection of European Values in the Strait of Gibraltar Region» (2021-2024). His lines of research, as a member of the SEJ-572 group: «Centro de Estudios Internacionales y Europeos del Área del Estrecho - CINTERGIB», include issues on peacekeeping and international security, asylum and refuge, police cooperation, European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Common Security and Defense Policy, and cooperation and borders.

How to Cite
Acosta Sánchez, Miguel Á. 2021. “The International Association of Gendarmeries and Police Forces With Military Statute (FIEP): An Instrument Available for Integrated European Borders Management?”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 65 (September), 161-89.