Normalising the Galician Language in Germany. The Role of Galician University Studies in Leipzig

  • Carsten Sinner Leipzig University, Germany
Keywords: Galician in Germany, historiography of Galician Studies, Galician as a Foreign language, translation and interpreting


The contribution presents the history of the study of Galician in Germany and the path followed, since 2010, in order to include Galician in the academic curriculum at Leipzig University and thus promote the recognition of Galician and, at the same time, the linguistic plurality of Spain. Special attention is paid to the planning and development of Galician Studies within the framework of the prioritisation of and focus on European minority languages at Leipzig University, on one hand, and to the consequences of the implementation of Galician in the German academic environment in other institutional settings, on the other hand. Finally, the chapter discusses how they impact on the normalisation, recognition and promotion of Galician from the international perspective.

Received: 14 April 2022
Accepted: 16 May 2022


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Author Biography

Carsten Sinner, Leipzig University, Germany

Professor of Linguistics and Translatology of Iberian Romance languages at Leipzig University. He holds a doctorate in linguistics from the University of Potsdam and completed his habilitation at the Humboldt University of Berlin. He is the director of the Ibero-Romance Languages Department within the Department of Applied Linguistics and Translatology at Leipzig University, where he also heads the Centre for Galician Studies, the Centre for Catalan Studies, the Centre for Basque Studies and the Research Centre for Judeospanish. He is also director of the Marià Villangómez Chair of Catalan Studies at Leipzig University. Carsten Sinner has completed numerous research stays and was visiting professor at the University of Brasília (2012), the Catholic University of Temuco (2015 and 2016) and City University New York (2019), among others. Since 2017 he is guest professor at the University of Havanna. He is the author of numerous publications on Ibero-Romance linguistics, language contact, variational linguistics, sociolinguistics and translatology.

How to Cite
Sinner, Carsten. 2022. “Normalising the Galician Language in Germany. The Role of Galician University Studies in Leipzig”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 04 (July), 137-72.