Political and Media Use of Sociolinguistic Concepts in the Current Language

  • María Pilar García Negro Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Keywords: common language, language conflict, immersion, plurilingualism, normalization


Any effective progress in the process of normalizing a national language subject to the mastery of the state official one will always be accompanied-fought by a semantic-terminological arsenal aiming to destroy or neutralize it. The strategy of imposing the languages considered indisputable in their prerogatives will be endowed with diverse tactics, adapted to the historical moment and to its greater divulging effectiveness. In this operation of the neo-imposition of state languages, concepts or expressions are used that do not sympathize with the historical origin or with the sociolinguistic reality. It is, therefore, interesting to analyze the legal-political use —and its media derivative— of notions such as common language, language conflict, immersion, plurilingualism or normalization. We refer, in particular, to the Spanish framework, and to the national languages depending on it: Galician, Basque, and Catalan. The question of languages —their general use, their rights, their existence, in short— is closely linked to the recognition or not of the peoples, of the societies to which they belong. It is, therefore, an essentially political issue, in which the admission or not —in democratic and horizontal equality— of nations that do not have state institutions at their service is at stake. In the current phase of globalized capitalism, theoretically proclaimed democratic rights are being called into question by the de facto imposition of languages that have long had a powerful machinery for social and public implantation and consolidation. As a significant example, we point out the non-compliance with the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, recognized as para-legislation by the Spanish State in 2001 or the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights, approved unanimously by the Spanish Congress of Deputies and the Galician, Basque and Catalan Parliaments in 1996.

Received: 07 March 2022
Accepted: 09 May 2022


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Author Biography

María Pilar García Negro, Universidade da Coruña, Spain

Profesora honoraria da Universidade da Coruña desde 2016 se docente da Universidade Senior. As súas publicacións reférense fundamentalmente a sociolingüística, iuslingüística, lingua e literatura galegas, con atención a autores como Rosalía de Castro, Lamas Carvajal, Castelao, Ramón Vilar Ponte, Carvalho Calero, Manuel María, Uxío Novoneyra ou Marica Campo. Colaboradora da Asociación de Escritoras-es en Lingua Galega (de que recebeu o premio Escritora na súa Terra), da Asociación Socio-Pedagóxica Galega e da Mesa pola Normalización Lingüística, foi corredactora da Declaración Universal de Dereitos Lingüísticos e é asociada ad honorem da Asociación de Mulleres Investigadoras e Tecnólogas. En 2010 obtivo o XV Premio de Ensaio Vicente Risco coa obra O clamor da rebeldía. Rosalía de Castro: ensaio e feminismo. En Laiovento ten publicados: Sempre en galego (1993 e 1999), Direitos lingüísticos e control político (2000), De fala a lingua: un proceso inacabado (2009), Ricardo Carvalho Calero: a ciencia ao servizo da nación (2010 e 2019), Outramente (2012) e Rectificar a historia. Escritos sobre Ricardo Carvalho Calero (2021). Outras obras son: Arredor de Castelao (A Nosa Terra, 2001), Textos filosófico-políticos de Ramón Vilar Ponte (Deputación de Lugo, 2007) e Galiza e feminismo en Emilia Pardo Bazán (Alvarellos, 2021). En 2010 foi comisaria da exposición dedicada a Castelao polo Museo Provincial de Lugo e en 2020 da dedicada polo Parlamento a Carvalho Calero.

How to Cite
García Negro, María Pilar. 2022. “Political and Media Use of Sociolinguistic Concepts in the Current Language”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 04 (July), 265-80. https://doi.org/10.18543/ced.2479.