
  • Beatriz Pérez de las Heras University of Deusto, Spain
Keywords: climate change, 2030 targets, strategic energy autonomy, spheres of influence, Kazakhastan, foreign affairs, Road and Belt Initiative, Indo-Pacific cooperation, artificial intelligence, ethical principles, right to a tribunal established by law, procedure of appointment


The European Union (EU) began the year 2023 with an agenda of objectives and challenges conditioned by the war in Ukraine and its consequences. The impact of the conflict has highlighted the need to achieve energy independence, increase defence capabilities and advance in the area of asylum, areas in which the EU will have to continue taking important steps in the coming months in line with those adopted in 2022. In addition, the year 2023 marks the last stretch of the current European institutional cycle, before the European Parliament elections in May 2024, as well as the last year in which Next Generation EU funds will be available to Member States. With regard to Spain, its European policy will be determined by the exercise of the Presidency of the EU Council during the second semester of 2023. From this position, Spain assumes the responsibility of promoting the negotiations and achieving the necessary consensus on the EU priority work areas, such as the ecological transition, the digital transformation and the social agenda, among others. Likewise, the fifth Spanish presidency of the EU Council will coincide with a key moment in the implementation of the national recovery plans, since, as mentioned above, the assigned European resources must be fully committed by the end of 2023. With these perspectives and in a still uncertain and changing geopolitical context, this miscellaneous number 68/2023 of Deusto Journal of European Studiesincludes various contributions that address some of the most relevant challenges currently facing the EU, in particular, the climate and energy crisis. This first issue of 2023 also includes the usual chronicles of jurisprudence and current events in Europe signed by our faithful and valued collaborators, David Ordóñez Solís and Beatriz Iñarritu.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Pérez de las Heras, University of Deusto, Spain

Professor of European Union Law and Jean Monnet Chair on European Integration at the University of Deusto (UD). PhD in Law (UD), she accomplished post-graduate studies at the Centre Européen Universitaire de Nancy (France), where she obtained the DESS and DEA en Droit Communautaire. She was Director of the European Studies Institute at UD from 1996 to 2009, and Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on European Union Law and International Relations from 2013 to 2016. She also served as Vice-Dean for Research and International Relations at Deusto Faculty of Law from 2013 to 2015. She has been a visiting scholar at the Universities of Oregon (2009), Georgetown (2012), Fordham (2013), Boston College (2014) and Florida International University (2016). She is currently Editor-in- Chief of Deusto Journal of European Studies and Main Researcher of the “Integración Europea y Derecho Patrimonial” research team. She is author of various books and articles on European legal issues. As of September 2019, she is the Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Project “European Union-Asia Pacific Dialogue: promoting European Integration and mutual Knowledge across Continents” (EUNAP).

How to Cite
Pérez de las Heras, Beatriz. 2023. “Introduction”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 68 (April), 19-29.