European political integration: theoretical contributions of multi-level governance and democratic theory

  • Cláudia Toriz Ramos University of Aberdeen
Keywords: multi-level governance, democratic theory, political integration, European Union


The future of the European Union (EU) is frequently debated in terms of a democratic polity in the making, although one that is a new political creature rather than a conventional polity designed according to extant political models. Such analysis is often theoretically inscribed in non state-centric views of the EU, notably the multi-level governance (MLG) approach. Concomitantly, theorisation on a hypothetical political community underpinning EU’s democratic legitimacy widely resorts to interpretations based on the theory and practice of both representative and direct democracy. I argue that the crossing of those frameworks of analysis (MLG and democratic theory) brings further contribution to understanding European political integration, notably on present days standpoints and impacts of critical junctures such as the «crisis».

Received: 30 March 2013
Accepted: 17 June 2013
Published online: 15 April 2016


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Author Biography

Cláudia Toriz Ramos, University of Aberdeen
PhD Political Studies - University of Aberdeen
Assistant Professor - Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais
Researcher - CLEPUL - Pólo Porto
How to Cite
Toriz Ramos, Cláudia. 2013. “European Political Integration: Theoretical Contributions of Multi-Level Governance and Democratic Theory”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 49 (October), 71-89.