La iniciativa ciudadana europea (art. 11.4 TUE)

  • Juan María Bilbao Ubillos Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: European Union, democratic legitimacy of the European institutions, European citizenship, direct participation, citizen’s legislative initiative


The process of drawing up and adoption of the regulation of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), as the first transnational tool for their direct political participation in the frame of the European Union, is the issue analyzed in this article. After evoking the background of the institution, and the way it is established in the Lisbon Treaty, the author considers the fundamental aspects of the ECI as it is drawn up in the proposal of the Commission, of march 2010, and in the definitive Regulation 211/2011, of 16 February 2011, of the European Parliament and the Council, that will become effective in April 2012. Thus, and in particular, aspects as the following are examined: minimum number of Member States’ signatories citizens required, minimum number of signatories citizens per Member State required, requirements about the Initiative proposal, registration and certification of the initiatives, the procedure of signatures verification, the procedure for the examination of a citizens’ initiative by the Commission… The final part of the commentary includes a global consideration about the new institution, in which the author appreciates the advance of reinforcing the democratic legitimacy of the Union even though the Initiative is not truly a direct participation institution so far it does not empower citizens to decide by themselves about any specific issue: the initiatives can urge the Commission to bring in a legislative proposal but are not legally binding.

Received: 16 December 2014
Accepted: 26 December 2015
Published online: 15 April 2016


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Author Biography

Juan María Bilbao Ubillos, Universidad de Valladolid
Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional, Universidad de Valladolid
How to Cite
Bilbao Ubillos, Juan María. 2012. “La Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea (art. 11.4 TUE)”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 46 (April), 49-84.