The Reform of the Cohesion Policy of the European Union in the Post-2020 Horizon. Proposals in Perspective and Potential Impact for Euskadi

  • Rafael Bonete Perales University of Salamanca
  • Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente University of Salamanca
Keywords: cohesion policy, regional development, convergence, Euskadi


This paper explores the past utilization of Euskadi of the cohesion funds of the European Union and reflects about the potential impact of the expected changes in the cohesion policy for the next programing period starting in 2021. With that aim, and after briefly reviewing the theoretical justification of the existence of cohesion policy in the context of the European Union, the paper presents a relatively detailed analysis of the programs that have benefited Euskadi in the past. The paper concludes exploring the different arguments that have been used in the debate about the convenience of further concentrating the cohesion policy in the less developed regions of the EU. If this perspective were to be finally adopted from 2021 on, the access of Euskadi to the European structural and investment funds would be further limited as result of being among the 20% riches regions of the EU.

Received: 19 December 2017
Accepted: 15 January 2018
Published online: 28 March 2018


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Author Biographies

Rafael Bonete Perales, University of Salamanca
Rafael Bonete Perales holds a Bachelor´s degree in Law, a Bachelor´s degree in Economics, a Bachelor´s degree in Sociology and Political Science and a Master in European Studies (College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium). Currently he is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Salamanca (Spain) and holder of a Jean Monnet Chair on European Economics. His main interests are European Economics and Public Economics, topics on he has extensively published articles, chapters of books and books edited by prestigious publishers, such as Alianza Editorial or Thomson-Civitas. His main books on European themes are: Condicionantes internos y externos de la PAC, ISBN: 84- 491-0047-X,1994 e Introducción a la Unión Europea: un análisis desde la Economía (co-author with Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo), 978-84-206-8277-8, 4th edición, 2009.
Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente, University of Salamanca
Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente is Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Salamanca. He has been Senior Visiting Professor at Northeaster University in Boston in 2013 and European Scholar in Residence (spring semester) at the University of Massachusetts, Boston in 2018. His publications have dealt with many different issues from the economics of the Welfare State, the study of labour markets and income distribution to the economics of the European Union. He has more than 170 journal articles, chapters in collective books and books, including Introducción a la Unión Europea: un análisis desde la Economía (coauthored with Rafael Bonete), whose fourth edition was published in 2009, or Measuring more than Money. The Social Economics of Job Quality, published in 2011by Edgard Elgar. He has participated as researcher in many EU and ILO projects, the current one, on innovation and job quality, financed by Horizonte2020 (Project QuInnE). In 2017 was awarded with the Prize María Maeztu of the University of Salamanca to excellence in research.
How to Cite
Bonete Perales, Rafael, and Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente. 2018. “The Reform of the Cohesion Policy of the European Union in the Post-2020 Horizon. Proposals in Perspective and Potential Impact for Euskadi”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 58 (March), 25-67.