Social state and european identity

  • Covadonga Isabel Ballesteros Panizo Francisco de Vitoria University
Keywords: european identity, social state, regulation


The study presents the social state model as a hallmark of Europe's identity. To do this, the origins of the social state, the values on which it stands, and the changes that this model is currently suffering are analyzed. The relevance of the subject under study lies in the apparent threat that the privatization trend of essential services could pose for European identity. For this, the work addresses the study of the current relations between State and society. Only a few decades ago, in the model of social state, the State appeared as the only provider of essential services for the community; today, however, the State appears as guarantor of these services, which are lent and owned by private operators. It is noted, in this sense, that the liberalizing trend is not necessarily contrary to the Social State, provided that adequate regulation is articulated to guarantee its principles. As a conclusion, the work highlights the need for Europe to protect the values on which the model of the State of the countries that comprise it is based, in order to preserve its genuine identity.

Received: 02 July 2018
Accepted: 10 September 2018
Published online: 27 February 2019


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Author Biography

Covadonga Isabel Ballesteros Panizo, Francisco de Vitoria University
Professor Ballesteros is a Doctor of Law. In 2017 she defended her Phd about «Public Law Arbitration» obtaining the qualification of excellent cum laude. Between 2013 and 2017, she gained a scholarship from Caixabank and the International University of Catalonia (UIC Barcelona). She is currently Professor of Administrative Law at Francisco de Vitoria University. His lines of research are the alternative methods of conflict resolution in Administrative Law, the Law of regulation and the social State, and urban law.
How to Cite
Ballesteros Panizo, Covadonga Isabel. 2019. “Social State and European Identity”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 02 (February), 155-70.
Monographic Articles. Scope of European identity. PART 3: «European identity: legal impact»