Hegel and the idea of Europe

  • Albert Moya Ruiz International University of Catalonia
Keywords: Hegel, Europe, European identity, freedom, reason


As Zubiri described it, Hegel represents «the maturity of Europe». A maturity that refers to the ability of Hegelian philosophy to respond to the beat of his time and illuminate the successes and contradictions of Western modernity. The idea of Europe in Hegel is part of a precise humanistic and social vision that recovers and synthesizes the roots of the previous tradition without limiting its possibilities and openings for the future. Hegelian reflection on European identity thus oscillates between the Aufhebung, as it overcomes the inevitable contradictions generated by the historical spiritual development of humanity, and the Versöhnung, as reconciliation and integration of all its previous successes and failures. A reflection that, beyond its accentuated Eurocentrism, drives a dynamic vision of Europe that contains within it the tension between the particular and the universal and that appeals to the construction of a Europe capable of reconciling diversity in unity thanks to its ability to think of itself as a project in progress.

Received: 02 July 2018
Accepted: 05 September 2018
Published online: 27 February 2019


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Author Biography

Albert Moya Ruiz, International University of Catalonia
Albert Moya is a PhD in philosophy with European mention from the Ramon Llull University (2007) and expert in Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts. He is a professor at the Faculties of Humanities, Communication and Education at the International University of Catalonia (UIC, Barcelona), where he teaches mainly Aesthetics and Contemporary Culture. He currently holds the position of Vice-Dean in the Faculty of Humanities (UIC). His main research interests concern the aesthetics of German idealism, contemporary art theory and religion (theological aesthetics and mysticism). He is a collaborating member of several research projects among which the European project «Yugoslav Wars: another face of European civilisation? Lessons learnt and enduring challenges» (2016-2018) funded by the European Union in the program Europe for citizens; «The Spanish aesthetics: ideas and men (1850-1950)» funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Spain) and with reference number FFI2013- 42674-P and the consolidated group «Sarx. Anthropology of corporality», recognized by the Government of Catalonia with reference 2017 SGR 835. He has published widely on Hegelian Aesthetics and contemporary art. Some the of the latest articles published are: «The Religion of Art in the Hegelian aesthetic thought», Pensamiento, 73, 277 (2017) 879-902; «Autonomy and resistance in contemporary art», in Autonomy and value of art. (Granada: Comares, 2018), 61-82.
How to Cite
Moya Ruiz, Albert. 2019. “Hegel and the Idea of Europe”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 02 (February), 55-72. https://doi.org/10.18543/ced-02-2019pp55-72.
Monographic Articles. Roots of European identity. PART 1: «European identity: in search of a definition»