Strategic Autonomy under the Prism of the European Global Strategy: Guidelines for its Regulatory Framework

  • María José Molina García Centro de Estudios Garrigues
  • Miguel Ángel Benedicto Solsona Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: strategic autonomy, european law, global strategy on foreign and security policy, international geopolitics, european union


The challenging international geopolitical context and the primary framework of the European Union’s External Action (in its political, legal and institutional dimension) points to the emergence and development of the Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy, and the ambition of strategic autonomy as support for peace and a safer world. It is interesting to study, from a shared vision and common action, what the mandate of this Strategy is in order to deduce whether this operational and strategic perspective is being built and consolidated with legal parameters. That is, in a world order based on norms and multilateralism, are the measures of a regulatory environment of respect and promotion of human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law (Article 3.5 of the TEU) being adopted?

Received: 30 October 2019
Accepted: 07 February 2020
Published online: 02 April 2020


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Author Biographies

María José Molina García, Centro de Estudios Garrigues
PhD contract professor (ANECA). Head of Programmes at Centro de Estudios Garrigues. PhD in Political Science and and Administration. Degree in Political Science and Sociology. Degree in Law. Previously Director of the Department of Legal and Political Sciences at the Universidad Europea of Madrid. She has been an Honorary Collaborator of the Department of Constitutional Law at the Universidad Complutense. Teaching and research experience in public and private universities (Centro de Estudios Garrigues, Universidad Europea, Universidad Complutense, Staffordshire University, Eserp Business School). His areas of research are EU foreign policy, European Law, Administrative Law and Public Administration, with several publications and participation in national and international Congresses and Seminars in these fields of study. Participation in Committees and other representations (Summer Law School, Italo-Spanish Seminar – European Legal Research Network, Young Social Entrepreneur Awards – Universidad Europea, The Young Excellence Challenge – Centro de Estudios Garrigues…). External evaluator in various Journals (Comillas Journal of International Relations, Revista Universitaria Europea, y Anuario Jurídico Villanueva).
Miguel Ángel Benedicto Solsona, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
PhD in Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), a degree in Law from the University of Zaragoza, in Journalism from the UCM and in Political Science from the UNED. He is higher degree in The Security Situation in Iran: Impact on the Regional Scenario and in the Global Environment and in the Arab-Israeli Conflict: New Expectations by the Higher Center for National Defense Studies (CESEDEN) and Rey Juan Carlos University. He is currently an associate professor of International Relations at the European University, and associate professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the UCM, at the Pontifical University of Comillas and at the Camilo José Cela University. His areas of research are the Security and Defense and Foreign Policy of the EU, the Communication policy of the European institutions and the Public Diplomacy. Among his latest books, he has been coordinator with Eugenio Nasarre and Francisco Aldecoa of Europa como tarea (Marcial Pons, 2018) with Eugenio Hernández of Europa 3.0. 90 miradas desde España a la UE (Plaza y Valdés, 2014) and author of Estados Unidos 3.0 La Era Obama vista desde España (Plaza y Valdés e Instituto Franklin-UAH, 2012); La mayor operación de solidaridad de la historia. Crónica de la política regional de la UE en España (Official Publications of the European Commission, 2006 and 2.ª edition by Plaza y Valdés, 2007) y Europa a Debate. Veinte años después (1986-2006) (Plaza y Valdés in coedition with Foreign Affairs Ministry,2006). He is a member of the Board of the International European Movement and cochair of the European Cultural Itinerary Via Carlomagno. He collaborates as an analyst with La Noche in 24 Horas of Spanish Public Television, in the newspaper La Razón and in the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies at the Spanish Defense Ministry.
How to Cite
Molina García, María José, and Miguel Ángel Benedicto Solsona. 2020. “Strategic Autonomy under the Prism of the European Global Strategy: Guidelines for Its Regulatory Framework”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 62 (April), 59-98.