The Representation of the Europeans: On the possibilities and limits of the European Union parliamentarization

  • Daniel Innerarity UPV/EHU
Keywords: democracy, representation, European Parliament, de-parliamentarization


The European Union constitutes an especially dense space from the parliamentary point of view and of considerable complexity in relation with its representative nature. In order to address the de-parliamentarization of its institutions two strategies have been proposed whose outreach is here analysed: the implication of national Parliaments in the European governance and the strengthening of the European Parliament. In this article both proposals are examined critically. To improve representation in Europe, this article aims to explore the possibilities of representative innovation that such a peculiar political entity allows.

Received: 15 November 2016
Accepted: 08 February 2017
Published online: 02 May 2017


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Author Biography

Daniel Innerarity, UPV/EHU
Catedrático de Filosofía Política e investigador Ikerbasque en la UPV/EHU
How to Cite
Innerarity, Daniel. 2017. “The Representation of the Europeans: On the Possibilities and Limits of the European Union Parliamentarization”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 56 (April), 163-79.