Repensando la europeización

  • Nicolás Mariscal Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: European integration, Europeanization, causality, process tracing, Germany


In their first forty years, the theories of European integration studied the process and the result from a bottom-up perspective. But in the 90s of last century growth itself caused a change of direction: top-down, from the European integration to the Member States and to the sub-national entities. The debate over the dual direction has been and will continue to be crucial. This paper also examines the variables, mechanisms —with special reference to the «goodness of fit»—, causality and process tracing method. The crisis of the last five years and the subsequent German supremacy are challenging both the European integration and the process of Europeanization, which now looks like Germanization.

Received: 24 April 2013
Accepted: 12 June 2013
Published online: 15 April 2016


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Author Biography

Nicolás Mariscal, Universidad de Deusto
Profesor emérito de la Universidad de Deusto
Profesor Jean Monnet emérito
How to Cite
Mariscal, Nicolás. 2013. “Repensando La europeización”. Deusto Journal of European Studies, no. 49 (October), 19-46.